Guidelines for psychologists working with gender, sexuality and relationship diversity
The British Psychological Society -
Supporting transgender and gender-diverse people
Royal College of Psychiatrists -
Primary Care Responsibilities In Regard To Requests by Private On-Line Medical Service Providers to Prescribe Hormone Treatments for Transgender People
NHS England -
Best Practice - Gender Dysphoria in Adults
British Medical Journal -
Transgender Health
A Practitioner's Guide to Binary and Non-Binary Trans Patient CareBen VincentJessica Kingsley Publishers -
Guidance for working with Transgender Patients
Institute of Medical Illustrators -
Trans Guides Issue 2: Support for GPs and Trans Patients
LGBT Foundation -
Responding to individuals with Gender Identity Issues
Academy of Medical Royal Colleges Wales -
Contraceptive Choices and Sexual Health for Transgender and Non-binary People
Faculty of Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare -
Fair care for trans patients
Royal College of Nursing -
Focus on gender incongruence in primary care
British Medical Association -
Primary Care Responsibilities in Prescribing and Monitoring Hormone Therapy for Transgender and Non-Binary Adults (updated)
NHS England -
Preventing suicide among trans young people: a toolkit for nurses
Public Health England -
It's just good care: a guide for health staff caring for people who are trans*
NHS Wales -
Guidelines for the Care of Trans* Patients in Primary Care
Royal College of General Practitioners -
The role of the GP in caring for gender-questioning and transgender patients
Royal College of General Practitioners -
Gender dysphoria services: a guide for General Practitioners and other healthcare staff
Department of Health -
Good Practice Guidelines for the Assessment and Treatment of Adults with Gender Dysphoria
Royal College of Psychiatrists -
Transgender Guide for NHS Acute Hospital Trusts
NHS Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust -
Guidelines for health organisations commissioning treatment services for trans people
Parliamentary Forum on Gender Identity -
Guidance for GPs and other clinicians on the treatment of gender variant people
Department of Healthmirror copy (archive.org) -
An introduction to working with transgender people: information for health and social care staff
Department of Healthmirror copy (archive.org) -
Trans healthcare
General Medical Council
This is genderarchive.org.uk
indexing and preserving 622 PDFs Books and Webpages about trans, nonbinary, and gender variant people in the UK from 2004 to 2020
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